How long does it take to see results from acupuncture?
How soon patients see results all depends on the type of condition being treated, as well as the individual’s response to treatments. Sometimes immediate relief may be felt after the first one to two treatments. Other times there may be a one or two day delay for the response from treatment, and sometimes it can take several treatments to start feeling results.

How soon patients see results all depends on the type of condition being treated, as well as the individual’s response to treatments. Sometimes immediate relief may be felt after the first one to two treatments. Other times there may be a one or two day delay for the response from treatment, and sometimes it can take several treatments to start feeling results. For example, if a healthy person receives a treatment for a cold, it is likely that they would feel immediate results. On the other hand, if the same person gets treated for back pain they’ve been suffering with for 10 years, it may take several more treatments before they start to feel an improvement n health. Once improvement is felt and the health goals of a balance in the energies finally happens, it generally lasts for awhile, without the need for prescription medications.